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Live to your healthiest, happiest & highest possibility through Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy & Functional Medicine

Our mission is to help every individual achieve vitality, vibrant energy and vigor, optimal health and longevity.  Dr. Mahdavi believes optimal health and wellbeing requires a holistic process where life style, diet and mindset play a big role. Her holistic approach is an personalized process for each individual which incorporates a thorough wellness consultation, that involves: Functional Medicine assessment with a complete functional blood analysis as well as a thorough Ayurvedic consultation to determine your Ayurvedic constitution. Her unique method of bringing the powerful science of functional medicine and the ancient wisdom of ayurvedic medicine, yoga and meditation make her treatments highly effective and successful.

Call to schedule a 20 minutes free strategy phone consultation. 


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About Dr. Atousa Mahdavi

Dr. Atousa Mahdavi, is a holistic health expert, speaker and a bestselling author. She is a doctor of chiropractic, certified in Integrative medicine, Functional Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine. She is a Hatha Yoga Master teacher and an Ayurvedic Yoga therapist. Her life’s calling is about eradicating chronic dis-ease and helping humanity, achieve optimal health and wellness, vitality and vibrant energy. Having a deep longing to end human suffering from chronic ailments, she is passionate about educating the public about a wellness model of medicine versus the current sick-care model of medicine. She believes health care involves treating the whole person physically, mentally and spiritually. Her own personal healing journey along with that of her patients and clients is a fascinating tale of discovery, learning and triumphant healing and recovery.

With over 2 decades of invaluable experience, Dr. Atousa Mahdavi stands as a tireless advocate for holistic health and a true pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. With an unyielding passion and unwavering commitment to scientific principles, she is determined to reshape the landscape of healthcare. Her vision transcends conventional approaches by focusing on tackling root causes of ailments, rather than merely alleviating symptoms. Dr. Mahdavi firmly advocates that access to healing and health care should be a universal right, not a privilege.

With a profound understanding, knowledge and mastery of the human system and mechanics of wellness and health, she has helped thousands of her patients, including A-lister athletes and entertainment personalities, achieve optimal wellness naturally. Her latest book, “Wholly You”, became an international best seller on Amazon. She has co-authored a Wall Street Journal & USA Today & Amazon best-selling book, “The Expert's Cure.

Our Services

Our wellness packages are comprised of personalized, functional medicine therapies, ayurvedic medicine tools and routines, hatha yoga, meditation and pranayama.  These services can also be utilized by themselves outside of our holistic packages. 


Comprehensive Wellness Evaluation

To understand the underlying causes and roots of your conditions or state of health, it is paramount for your doctor to spend sufficient time evaluating your symptoms, learn about your history, lifestyle and diet as well as your daily routines and habits. So, Dr. Mahdavi will spend 2 hours during the initial consultation to evaluate and examine you. To gain access to your physiological and biological status, a complete nutritional blood analysis will be done. This will provide the blood secrets that are very unique to you and help the doctor to provide a highly personalized wellness program for you. But that's not the all, she will also determine your ayurvedic constitution or "Dosh" by Ayurvedic evaluation including but not limited to pulse and tongue analysis. In this way another deeper layer of your unique individuality is revealed to her helping her further in designing your unique diet and food programs as well as prescribing herbal medicines and remedies. Your ayurvedic consultation also determines what type of yoga, pranayama and meditation practice is best suited for your individual needs. 

Schedule a 30 minutes free health strategy phone call.

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda is the science of life and longevity, a profound holistic approach to health care originated more than 5000 years ago in India and has been tried and tested as an alternative to western medicine. Complete body – mind –spirit approach to health and well being

  • “Ayur” means life Veda means knowledge
  • Healing side of yoga known as sister science of Yoga
  • Rooted in the ancient scriptures; Vedantic texts of yoga

According to Ayurveda the entire universe is made up of 5 elements which together makeup 3 constitution or Doshas in the human body. After a thorough initial ayurvedic consultation including pulse and tongue analysis your dosha or constitution is revealed and Dr. Mahdavi will provide you with a personalized life style, daily routines and dietary recommendations in harmony with your individual nature. A customized food, yoga and meditation daily practice is also included is designed for your individual nature. Medicinal herbs and remedies are prescribed as needed.

Schedule your comprehensive ayurvedic consultation

Functional Medicine & Blood analysis

Functional medicine is a holistic system that provides individualized, drug-free recommendations to promote optimum health based on imbalances and dysfunctions identified from variety of test results most importantly a blood analysis. It is an innovative and scientific look at nutritional strengths and weaknesses through a comprehensive evaluation and blood analysis looking at all the organ systems as a whole and not individually and separately. Based on the findings a clear and individualized plan is offered that includes diet, life style and supplements and herbs towards health promotion.

Schedule your functional medicine evaluation and blood analysis

Meditation, Mindfulness Practices & Pranayama (breathing practices)

Body and mind are not separate entities, but rather 2 manifestations of the life energies within the human system. Body is the gross manifestation while the mind is the subtle manifestation. They have a reciprocal relationship and any imbalance in one impacts the other and the whole system. Mind has a profound effect on the health of the body and we know many ailments can be Psychosomatic in nature. This simply means stress and tension that has been chronic is the basis for the energies and the breath to be negatively impacted creating imbalances in varies parts or organs of the body. For this reason, there are mindfulness and meditation along breathing techniques and practices that are used and necessary to bring calm and restfulness to the mind which in turn changes the physiological and biochemical status towards health and wellness.

Schedule a 30 minute free strategy call


Hatha Yoga and Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy

Derived from Sanskrit, Ha means Sun Tha means moon. This practice is rooted in the yogic tradition of ancient India and is based on the principle of opposing energies. There are many schools and varieties of hatha yoga, and all of them include asanas or poses as well as breathing techniques and meditation. Some asanas act as gentle stretching exercises and increase flexibility, others develop strength and balance. However, the practice of hatha yoga goes beyond physical exercises, because it helps achieve a balance between the body and mind cultivating higher forms of awareness through asanas or postures, breathing and meditation and relaxation techniques. This practice has both preventive and therapeutic advantages. Ayurvedic Yoga therapy is about designing a specific practice for the individual needs as well as for each specific conditions and ailment. Doctor Mahdavi will design your specific yoga therapy sequence of practice for you.

Schedule a 30 minute free strategy call



Read what clients have to say about their experiences with Dr. Atousa Mahdavi

" After my consultation I received a guideline for healthy eating and breathing exercises. I feel so much better and lighter after only one week of following the guidelines. I now realize the importance of how to be when eating and what to eat for my constitution which by itself has made eating a sacred process for me. I now wake up and feel so calm as opposed to anxious or jittery. Before this program, I was not looking forward to the day and now I am. I also feel like my access to my memory and vocabulary has improved after only 2 weeks. I am using words that I had not in years. Dr. Mahdavi delivers much more than expected or promised. "

Dennis Margett

" My journey with Dr. Atousa and Ayurvedic medicine began almost exactly one year ago today. I came to the Doctor with weight issues, stomach issues, sleep problems, energy problems and overall lethargy. I weighed around 227lbs, I am 6 foot tall and I was working out constantly. Perhaps too much. But I could never lose a pound. Actually, I was looking and feeling worse as time went on. After a thorough evaluation with Dr. Atousa, a plan and schedule was laid out specifically for me. Customized entirely based on my current state or constitution, my ailments and all my dosha. I completely changed my diet per Dr. Atousa’s recommendation starting with a detox program that she gave me. The results were almost instantaneous. Today I weigh around 190, have tons more energy, sleep great and have never felt more mentally and physically vibrant since I was in my early twenties and I am 35 now. And it keeps evolving. The detox and proper diet have now allowed my body to adjust much more readily to adverse conditions, such as when the foods and environment are not ideal but I am forced to partake in them. For example, if I had to eat something not ideal to me, it won’t weigh me down for days like it did in the past. I feel both physically and mentally primed to deal with any scenario I am faced with and it makes my life so much more fulfilling. I do not know where I would be today without Dr. Atousa’s guidance and Ayurvedic science. Thank you very much Dr. Atousa! "

Oleg Ohanesian

" Not long ago, I acquired a mysterious dermatitis that one Dermatologist diagnosed as Psoriasis. In a previous and preliminary discussion, after asking a few pertinent questions over the phone, Dr. Mahdavi suggested that my symptoms were consistent with a Fungus infection. Later, after skin and blood tests were performed by a reputable Dermatologist, Dr. Mahdavi’s hypothesis was proven to be correct. As a qualified medical examiner, Dr. Mahdavi combines analytical and academic aptitude with holistic, intuitive and nutritional knowledge, not only to diagnose and treat the symptom and the cause, but to heal and strengthen the total body, promoting preventive medicine as well. "

Kevin Kamali

" Time spent with Dr. Atousa Mahdavi is time very well spent! Being that Ayurveda is a science of life, based on achieving complete mind-body balance, it is important to seek the guidance of a doctor well-versed in the field, who not only “talks the talk,” but also “walks the walk.” After just one consultation and one follow-up, I feel more in-tune with my body, more understanding of my human emotions, and more aligned with my intuition, thanks to the time she spent with me and the information she provided. At our follow-up, she thoughtfully walked me through a concise packet of documents she had prepared, complete with a personalized action-plan of lifestyle recommendations, recipes, and guidelines, all of which I continue to reference often. And after less than two months, I feel significant improvement in my digestive system, energy level, and overall peace of mind. Getting to know yourself on this deeper level is such fun and a well-worth it journey, especially with the genuine support and guidance of Dr. Atousa Mahdavi along the way. Highly recommend! "

Julie Pajuheshfar

" Thank you for the yoga practice yesterday. This is the exact type of yoga practice I was desiring to cultivate and I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your kindness and care in creating such a lovely space to learn. I was pleasantly surprised as to how fluid my morning practice was. It already feels like my body is just innately in tune with the rhythm of the sequences which is really nice. And I also already feel slightly more flexible today as well. I felt inclined to reach out and thank you again for everything. "

Rio Collins

" Dear Dr. Atousa, Thank you for the Surya Kriya (Yoga). Since taking Surya Kriya a few months ago I have seen the migraine headaches I have lived with all of my life almost completely disappear. I used to experience several migraines per week, some of them lasting several hours to the point of being extremely debilitating. I had gone to see a doctor for it and all he could offer me were prescription painkillers. Now that I do my Surya Kriya practice daily, I get headaches very rarely and if I do, it will go away within a couple of hours on its own, no painkillers needed! What a huge difference! I’m extremely grateful to have learned this incredible practice from you! Thank you! "

Stefania Moscato

" Dear Dr. Atousa, Thanks again for being such a good Teacher and thanks again for the opportunity of learning this wonderful yoga from you. I learned more than I asked for. My body has been reaching such a high level of vibrant that it feels as if every cell in it is “crackling” through the day. I am impressed at how fast some strength and flexibility already built up having practiced it twice a day for just two weeks! I have been really delighted with how well I am feeling right now as a result of these practices. I had no idea I could feel this well in my body at this age. "

Luciano Szezerbaty

" Surya kriya (Yoga) has helped me tremendously with my back problem. I had a severe back problem for years & couldn’t sit straight without support for more than 15 minutes. Regular practice of Surya kriya has strengthened my back & I can sit straight without any support for a long period of time. Surya kriya has also helped me to maintain equanimity in my entire system. Hugs, Love "

Brinda Gandhi

" This weekend I learned about ancient Ayurveda practices from Dr. Atousa Mahdavi. Let me be clear, overall, I am a joyful, peaceful person. Thus, I didn’t go seeking peace or relaxation. (Although that is definitely an additional benefit that is there in her retreats). I am blessed to say I have that in my daily life. I went seeking a better understanding of the ins and outs of the physical body as it pertains to illness from Ayurveda perspective – it was the most informative/educational retreat I have ever done. New door has opened for me. Forever grateful. "

Daniel Dejene

" Thank you so much for your time again and again. Dr. Atousa, I may have told you before, that since speaking with you last summer and taking the classes you offer, life has just been a lovely ride now. I would never imagine of being here in a more joyful and easier place, before. Absolute wonders have just taken place, since the day I decided to call you for info on yoga programs. I really admire you. You really are “The master”. I can’t thank you enough, and I am always telling friends and family about you. "

Jason Manu

" It has never been more important to be taking care of ourselves so that we may better support those we love. We want to support others on this journey of life and Dr. Atousa’s retreat has been a truly wonderful experience in support of that. She invested in us with her whole being and I will always be appreciative. If you have ever felt like something was out of balance, this retreat very likely will have answers you’ve been seeking. "

Kian Mokhbery

"Dr. Mahdavi was a Godsend for my parasite issues. She introduced me to the world of Ayurveda to solve the problem, while also letting me know how I could address it with oils and tinctures from the functional medicine perspective. She also addressed the problem from a nutritional angle giving me a complete knowledge of what to do. I would recommend Dr. Mahdavi to anyone because in this day and age, we need a more complete way of treating health issues. "

Jeff W.

"When Dr. Atousa and I first met, I was about 2 years into recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. I can confidently say that Dr. Atousa’s Ayurvedic practice changed my life in ways that sobriety by itself could never. Within a few weeks of her consultation, strictly following her recommendations for my lifestyle, I remember breaking down into tears of joy after a meal one evening. I had never felt that good without drugs or alcohol in my entire life - for as long as I can remember. Dr. Atousa is definitely the real deal, and I’d highly recommend her to anybody looking for an alternative, holistic approach to a more boundless and joy-filled life."

Patrick Middelthon

"Atousa,Thanks for your blessed teachings yesterday. Thanks for lending such a personal time as well. I feel bliss today. I truly wish that grace falls on you in an abundant way."

Sanjay S.

"I wanted to take a few minutes to write my gratitude and thankfulness for your mentor-ship. I have never been so impressed and touched by someone who truly knows about life. Each day the longing is greater and more intense, but my responses have never been so still. I witness your actions in such a way that I can see how life flows through your simple instructions. It has never been so beautiful to experience yoga. My personality is changing everyday toward what I truly desire. The control panel was finally revealed to me, but now I need to learn how to use it. Your tolerance of my inexperience's has been truly remarkable. I know I can be a little much, but thank you."

Francisco W.

"It only took a consultation with dietary recommendations, herbal and nutritional supplements and my Crohn's disease of so many years vanished in 2-3 months. Thanks to Dr. Mahdavi's expertise in Ayurveda and Functional Medicine. I highly recommend her."

Julie P.

"Thanks so much for the surya kriya class and for encouraging me to take it since after my neck injury and all the pain I had to endure I got so scared that I stopped myself from any kind of activity. I really enjoyed your class and I think you're the best instructor I have found with attention to detail and a very nice way of teaching/ explaining everything with reasoning and would really love to take all your classes."

Shivani M.

"Since your workshop I have had very powerful breakthroughs. I have been experiencing myself at a completely new level of calmly knowing myself and asserting my wants, needs and desires as I never have before. And people around me are responding in kind. Unbelievable Dr Madhavi. It's really helping me get the power that was stripped away from me as a child. My human right. I can't thank you and this teaching enough."

Roxy M.

"I contacted Dr. Mahdavi as I was experiencing a lot of skin rashes, as if my skin was shedding, and high blood pressure and I am in my 70s. I was also doing a lot of yoga and intense breath work. Dr. Mahdavi immediately during that consultation realized some of my practices were too much for me and advised me to change my practices and my diet and for my skin and herbal supplements and topical oil and she literally saved my life with Ayurveda and Functional Medicine."

Nikolai Tellman

"I thank you for all the support from you. You coming into my life has been a true blessing for me! I hope we will have many more occasions in the future."


"Dear Dr. Atousa, I just wanted to say thank you for offering the lecture on Ayurveda today! I really enjoyed listening to you and learned a lot. Thanks again!"

Kristin Shay

"If you have ever felt like something was out of balance, Dr. Atousa's programs very likely will have answers you've been seeking to create sustainable harmony within your life. Take action and sign up soon! This knowledge will help amplify your health and be your best self in anything you do."

Kian Mokhbery

"Thank you for teaching me yoga. I feel so much gratitude to you as you have helped give me a precious gift which has transformed me in less than a year to where I feel I have my life back. It is a small way of thanking you for something so big........I am so grateful to you for coming here to teach these classes. Thank you for everything."

Lily Kandaris

"Atousa, I just want to thank you again for this incredible program. I woke up this morning, took a cold shower and did my practice and have never felt more energized. I look forward to seeing you again soon and continuing my learning."

Boston Russell

"Atousa, I love my practice. I felt a definite transmission towards the end of the workshop and the following couple of days. I know I will have to incorporate these practices in my daily routines. That will evolve as I allow it. I just know I can feel its benefits already in a short time."

Tony M.

"Thank you for another wonderful class Dr. Atousa, I truly enjoyed your teachings and the great atmosphere you set. I felt it at your first class as well as today's class, I can't explain it but it just feels good. Thank you."

Arian Narani

"Thank you for the wonderful weekend workshop. The visualization of the positions has helped me so much. Before visualizing, I’d be sure I could never do the asana properly, and after a simple inner sight, my body went beyond what I thought it could. Now I see that it’s my own mind that is hindering. Upa yoga has been able to release so much blocked energy. Thank you for taking time from your family work and home to lead us .Love and blessings."

Marlana W.

"Dearest Atousa, We are so lucky in LA, OC and San Diego to have such a fabulous teacher to teach the Hatha Programs. I'm so looking forward to the next one with you. Thank you for your inspiration."

Dorene Short

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